To my beautiful children,
We made it to 32 weeks pregnant with twins!
I always google what babies born at whatever week I’m at look like, and at 32 weeks, you’re looking adorable! A full on baby, just skinny. You’re adding a 1/2 pound each per week and I’m so proud of my little chubsters. Mama loves her a chubby baby. You’re each 4 pounds, so including the extra placenta that I’m carrying since you each have your own, it’s like I’m carrying a 9.5 pound baby right now. And I still have SIX WEEKS left. Whew. You’re making your mama really uncomfortable. Like, more uncomfortable than I ever thought possible.
I always thought about getting pregnant; that was my end goal for years through IVF and every procedure. Even when we found out we were having twins, I didn’t really think about how hard it was going to be. It is a physical marathon like I have never known! Three weeks ago at my doctor’s appointment, he told me that my belly was as big as a 40-week full term singleton belly. Now it’s three weeks later and my body has really started to feel it. I had some slight swelling up until that point, but now I have extreme swelling throughout my entire body. Like, my legs look I’m training for the sumo wresting world championships and I’m going to WIN. It’s unbelievable to look in the mirror and see my body change like this. The hard part is walking and moving because my legs are so thick that they rub together when I walk a lot and my ankles are so huge that I literally have rolls on my ankles so they are hard to bend. I drink lots of water and try to limit my sodium intake. The only thing that helps slightly is elevating my legs, but then the second I start walking or standing, they fill up again like balloons. It’s super glamorous and comfortable 🙂
It’s hard to breathe with you peanuts pushing up against my lungs, and I’ve had acid reflux the last few weeks so I started taking an acid controller. I also sleep propped up in bed with literally 4 or 5 pillows every night. It’s a circus! We slept at your Gigi’s house (that’s what we have decided that we want you to call my mom), and your cute grandpa Steve let me sleep in his bed with Gigi so I could be more comfortable. When we were heading up there to their house for the 4th of July, I walked downstairs with a giant black trash bag and your aunt Jocelyn asked me what it was. “My pillows,” I said 🙂 I’m a little high maintenance right now…but I’m in survival mode!
I was at the mall the other day and a nice lady told me that I looked really good. Then, when I was walking out, this other lady said really loud, “Look at her! She’s HUGE!” Yes, I’m being serious. I just smiled because what else could I do? So awkward and insensitive. Well, if I have to be huge to carry you two miracles, then so be it. My friend told me that I should have said something like, “the gym is across the street, and it looks like you could use it yourself!” Ha ha ha she wasn’t being serious, but it made me laugh.
I have honestly been really self conscious going in public and showing by big ankles and legs. It’s been embarrassing, and even though I told myself that I wouldn’t be self conscious, it has been hard not to be! I’m taking good care of myself and I don’t want people to think that I’m not, I guess. It’s weird. I was in church today though, and I saw one couple who had lost one of their twins after they were born; they were born extremely early. I also thought of a woman that my mom told me about who has been trying to have children for 10 years. She finally got pregnant with twins after doing IVF, then lost one of the twins in her first trimester and is devastated. Thinking about these sweet women made me stronger. I can do this. It will be so worth it to see your precious bodies, to get to raise you, to see your daddy hold you and the joy that will come because of you. It is a mental game at this point and I need to try to stay really positive! It was easier for me to stay positive and encouraged during IVF for some reason. Right now since I constantly feel absolutely horrible, it’s wearing on me! It makes me really grateful for my normally good health. I know that this will pass before I know it. I just need to endure.
I went to my doctor again last week and he said, “I have good and bad news,” with a smirk on his face. He said that everything is looking so good that I’ll most likely go the full 38 weeks which is full term for twins. If I haven’t gone into labor by August 18th, he will induce me then!
Did your doctor's tell you when you're gonna have the babies like have them early or directly at full term
Everything is looking so good that he said that I'll go full term for twins which is 38 weeks most likely. If they don't come before August 18th, he'll induce me then!
Have you picked out the baby boy name yet? And what is goldie full name gonna be?
Goldie Emma Parcell (Emma after my grandma). Haven't picked out a name for boy yet!
I started following your blog right before you got pregnant and I had just found out my husband and I were expecting. I just gave birth 12 days ago and although I didn't have infertility issues,. my little guy had a heart defect that they detected about half way through my pregnancy He needed open heart surgery right after birth (he's doing great now!) and I've realized rhat having a baby is a true miracle and all the discomfort (or in my case, stress and anxiety) is worth it. You look beautiful, cankles included! Hang in there mama. I can tell you as a brand new mom, the discomfort will be a distant memory soon!
You look adorable!
I know everyone always hates advice (sorry!) but athletic compression socks really helped me during my last pregnancy. I did not wear them during the day but would when I got home and they really helped! Thankfully, it will all go away soon and you will have those sweet babies 🙂
I'm so sorry you're dealing with swelling! You seriously still look gorgeous though!!!
Her Heartland Soul
You look beautiful! It won't be long until those sweet blessings are in your arms and all the swelling will have been well worth it!
Hang in there mama! You are doing an amazing job. Give yourself some of God's grace. I am also 32 weeks pregnant with twins currently so I totally feel you. I am such a go go go person and it has been SO hard for me to accept help and just be lazy (I mean rest!!). It kills me I can't run errands all over town like I used to. I swear swimming helps! Not just floating in the pool, but swim some gentle laps. I've been swimming three days a week for 30-45 min and it's the ONLY time I feel relatively normal. It also is the only thing that immediately helps with the swelling. The swelling is no joke. Whenever you can, put on compression hose. They are not attractive at all but really help suck it in. I feel so supported when I wear them. I hear you on the acid reflux too. I eat tums like they're candy! I have them all over the house and pop them in like tic tacs. Is it weird I actually crave them now? Hahaha. I actually wake up gagging in the middle of the night and have thrown up a few times because the acid is just so bad. I also got a wedge pillow off amazon that helps tremendously-I also sleep upright. Oh! And the comments!! Someone told me, "dang girl, you look like you're about to pop!!" And then not even five minutes later another sweet woman told me I looked there ya go! I just smile and go about my business! Sorry I've now written a novel to you but just want you to know you are not alone!! I'm right there with you and I live in the south where the humidity is insane and the heat index is over 105 every day!!! However, I feel you on feeling incredibly blessed. We struggled with infertility and wanted this pregnancy so so badly so I am just continuing to praise God for blessing us and keeping these babies safe for another six weeks!! ?????
Girl my ankles looked like that too! And I was only carrying one! Lol but I remember how painful it was and by the end of the day you just feel so over it! I blame the summer heat too! But you look fabulous! Hang in there! ??
I'm almost 29 weeks with my first and just starting to feel the discomfort of carrying this little one around! I can't imagine carrying two babies… you are a superstar, not to mention just beautiful in your photos! You're almost there, mama! Sending love and encouragement from Gig Harbor, WA as you enter your last few weeks!
You are amazing, you look amazing, I am so excited for you to meet your babes. I am 26 weeks with my first, and the fact you are carrying two makes you a super mama! Xoxo
Hi Jenica- it's Katie Myers. I've been following your pregnancy and I'm just SO excited for you and Tyler. Congratulations!!! I get extremely swollen in my legs and feet during my pregnancies. I got medical grade compression stockings that go from my feet all the way up to the top of my thighs. They fitted me for them and everything. They helped so much. I would put them on first thing in the morning. Eric usually had to help me. Ha ha! Then I took them off at night. I would still swell, but nothing like I would if I didn't wear them. Maybe try them out. Hang in there!!! Can't wait to see your cute babies!!
OMG girl…I have followed your story since the beginning and I have to say, I'm so glad you have a sense of humor about those crazy cankles!! Oh man, they look like they hurt. I had to laugh a tad because of THE THINGS WE HAVE TO DO FOR A BABY! It's crazy. All of it. Hang in there mama! You're almost done!
I know you probably have already had your twins (congratulations!!), but I just read this and that socks picture reminded me. When I had my first I developed preeclampsia too and I had crazy swelling. When I got checked into the hospital the socks they gave me didn't fit, so they had to go to a different floor and get the biggest socks usually used on men patients (who aren't found on the L&D floor). I find it funny now… Hang in there!