I’ve never been so happy to be so exhausted. 🙂
While sleeping at night or napping these days, I always makes sure to have two things. The first is my blanky. My blanket’s name is Binkers and the other half of her (she’s a girl…) got lost in a move a few years ago. I’m really glad she tore in two and my mom kept the other half. Being reunited with my trusty Binkers was such a relief. But seriously. Aunt Jocelyn and I used to drape Binkers up in a corner when we were making pretend haunted houses during October in our apartment or house growing up. That’s how thin she is…so see-through and yet so versatile! Not many blankets can be a spider web in the corner of the room and snuggle you in bed that very same night.
The second thing I like to sleep with these days is Mallow, the soft little bunny that aunt Jocelyn gave to you…but I’m thinking of keeping for myself. I’m, like, the most unselfish mom.
I’m starting to wonder if I am having a baby or digressing and turning back into a baby myself. Time will tell. Stay tuned. And it might be in everyone’s best interest if you start calling me Benjamin Button.
After my nap yesterday on my lunch break, I wanted to eat pizza for lunch but didn’t have time to cook the frozen pizza that was in the freezer so the only sensible thing to do was to go through the Little Caesars drive thru by my house. I have had the willpower to resist many times before and yet somehow, this time, I couldn’t summon that willpower anywhere. I didn’t look very hard. Okay fine, I could hardly drive there fast enough. A car pulled into the parking lot before me and was literally driving 3 MPH, which of course, to my pregnant appetite, was completely enraging. I looked for signs of distress…maybe she needed help? Maybe she fell asleep at the wheel? Nope. Just driving 3 MPH for the fun of it, in front of me, with no way of getting around her to the drive thru. The best part about the whole situation is that after she ordered her pizza and I was pulling ahead to order and to finally satiate my ever-growing hunger, I noticed that her license plate was surrounded by a frame that said, “Don’t Drive Stupid.” I think she needs to know that driving 3 MPH in front of a pregnant woman in the parking lot and drive thru of Little Caesars is the stupidest driving out there. The stupidest driving there is! I mean…I feel like she needs to know!! Someone needs to tell her.
Another thing to note is that I paid with cash because I wanted my pizza purchase to remain unnoticed. I mean, your dad seriously wouldn’t even care if I had pizza for lunch, but I was slightly ashamed of my lunch purchase. Paying with cash is untraceable. I went to all that effort of counting out the exact change which probably burned an extra 5 calories that I need and ended up just telling him that night anyway because he said he wanted pizza for dinner. I had to tell him why that didn’t sound good anymore.
When I got to work with the pizza, it was perfect timing because, while appearing quite generous in offering all of my colleagues a slice, they were already full from their lunches. Genius. A whole cheese pizza just for me, just like Kevin in Home Alone. I’ve always wanted that. It turns out that you, my little baby, wanted mostly just the cheese and not much bread. Who am I to deprive you of that?? So just the cheese (and a few bites of the crust here and there) it was.
One of my co-workers came by and put the pizza box in my hands a little later and wanted to take a picture of me. She thought it would be funny to document that I just found out I’m pregnant and that I got a whole pizza just for me…but she didn’t actually think it was mine and that I had, in fact, ordered a whole pizza for just for me. She started laughing so hard when I opened the box and she saw what I ate and that the whole hilarious situation that she had pictured in her head was actually real life. Don’t you love it when that happens? 😉 I’m a pregnant stereotype, and there’s no turning back now.
Well…I’m going to go snuggle Binkers, hop into my crib and drink my bottle now. Wish me luck!
You’re worth it!
Mom (aka Benjamin)
So I totally went to little Cesar's today and had a pizza for lunch because of you!! LOL. My first trimester fatigue was INSANE! I felt like a walking zombie. It passed around week 10-11 but never have I ever felt crushing fatigue like that.
Ha ha ha that's amazing!! I'm sorry for being a bad influence. Or should I say…you're welcome 😉
I seriously love you Jenica. Best post ever! Next time call me and I'll eat a pizza with you. A nursing mom is just the same as a pregnant one when it comes to food 😉 ps nap away! After all you are growing a human or two 🙂
I love you!! Yes…now I know I have a partner when the hunger hits. I just had a green smoothie for breakfast…with a side of dark chocolate. I wish I was kidding.
So funny! X Just out of curiosity, what is your job?
I work in software sales 🙂
I love reading your blog and I'm so excited for you!! What other symptoms have you been having? It's great that you can talk about them, I hope to feel that soon too God-willing.
Thank you so much!! I am tired, slightly nauseous (especially if I don't eat every couple of hours), and that's about it for now! I wish you all the best 🙂
You are so stinking hilarious! So funny…love reading your blog and Instagram. Yes, girl…go nap, nap, and then nap some more! I'm so happy for you guys! We are a few weeks ahead of you with one little nugget baby (due 8/9, our first!), and boy-oh-boy, the fatigue and nausea are the worst! But so worth it for our peanuts…I'm not complaining one bit! Some days all I can eat are toasted plain bagels with butter spread…and light blue Gatorade (only the light blue flavor!). Yesterday, I started eating a Hershey dark chocolate and had to spit it out (gross but true)…I just can't.even with some foods! Or more like a lot of foods! I know you can relate! My OB recommended B6 (50mg, twice a day) and Unisom (1/2 a tablet at bedtime) for the morning sickness and let me tell you, they work WONDERS! It's like a miracle combo. Go out and try it! Lots of mini meals and lots of protein+simple carbs are also helping me. Enjoy each moment! Even when you feel awful! HUGS!
Thank you so much for being so excited for me! I am thrilled for you as well!! Thank you for the suggestions 🙂 I am definitely enjoying each moment and it sounds like you are too. What a great attitude. Such an exciting time! xo
I love love your posts! I just found out at 7 wks I'm pregnant with twins from my ivf cycle! I couldn't be more thrilled, now the morning or all day sickness is beginning…. Uh oh. I can't wait to see what they find at your ultrasound, I hope it's twins ?!
Yay, how exciting for you!!! I bet it was so amazing to hear the heartbeats!! I can't wait for Friday to come (that's when we find out). Wishing you all the best!!!
Jenica (love your name! You're going to have a tough time being creative naming your little one- the bar is set pretty high),
I have been reading your blog for a while and even shared your story with friends and family having troubles conceiving. I am beyond overjoyed for a complete stranger and it's wonderful. Congratulations on the best news ever! He/ She/ (God willing maybe both?) is going to have the most loving parents ever! I cannot wait for you to experience all the joy your baby will bring into your life! Your blog has given me so much joy and motivation in my own life. It's about damn time someone got EXACTLY what they have been praying for! Sounds like it was your time. Best of luck in your pregnancy. It doesn't sound like you'll need much in the raising department. You two seemed to have most of it figured out! These letters will be something special one day for your child.
April – thank you so much for your kind message! I really appreciate it 🙂 We are so thrilled! I'm so glad that my blog gives you joy. It gives me joy to write it. "Joy" is my favorite word so I love that you used that 🙂
Wishing you the very best!
Hello! I met you at Amy's about a month ago, and you've been on my mind ever since. So I looked you up on Facebook, hoping I could get an update. I'm in tears this morning so happy for you. I truly pray everything continues to go well! When is your official due date?
Hi Elisa! I'm glad you tracked me down! It was so nice to meet you. My official due date is Sept. 5 🙂 I hope to run into you again! xo