Oh. my. gosh. you guys! These are the kind of sales that I can’t wait to hit “publish” on my blog post because I am SO excited to share them. This is the BIGGEST Ray Ban sale I have EVER seen and NO STYLES ARE EXCLUDED!! All styles are in stock so you have your pick of the best of the best. PLUS you get free 2-day shipping!!!
Oh man. Click here for the sale, and use code “aprilfools” at checkout. When you have chosen what you want, click on the “checkout now” button after clicking on your bag. It will prompt you to put in your name and shipping information and will show you your total on the side. Click on “edit” next to order details, then on the page that opens, click on “apply promotion code.” I have posted the screen shots below:
The code will be applied and you’ll get your sunglasses!!
Also, when you’re choosing a style, each style has a lot of difference lens options. So, choose the style, then scroll down on the right a little bit to find the drop down box to choose which lens you want with that model:
Remember, this sale is TODAY ONLY! Remember to use code “aprilfools” at checkout! Happy shopping!! Oh, and if you want to make sure you don’t miss great deals like this, sign up for my newsletter on the right-hand side of my blog (must be in Web version). Have a great day!

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