Yay! I found a big sale today on Clarisonic – get 20% off all devices using code FRIENDS20!
I use my Clarisonic every single night to clean my skin because it cleans it 6X better than manual cleansing. This means it gets all of the dirty stuff out of your pores so your products work better. I LOVE it and would recommend it to anyone. It is great for anti-aging.
I have the Mia 2 because it times how long you do each part of your face which makes it really easy. With the discount, the Mia 2 is only $119.20. If you want the Mia 1 which is a little less expensive, you can get that for only $79.20!

What a great deal! Those things are pricey!
Her Heartland Soul
They are great for sure! I LOVE using mine to make sure my face gets squeaky clean 🙂
Fantastic! I needs some refills, but the links aren't working. Thanks!
I'm so sorry – I'm not sure what happened! I just updated the links and they should be working now!
I tried to click on the links but they aren't working!
I'm not sure what happened – I'm so sorry! I just updated the links and they should be working now 🙂 Thanks for letting me know!