What worked well for me last year and my 2024 goals!
I started a new process to making my goals this year at the suggestion of my coach which is to first acknowledge what went right in 2023 before making my goals for 2024. I know that when you feel good, you are more likely to succeed in accomplishing the things that you are wanting to accomplish. In the past, I’ve thought about what had worked well for me, but I didn’t actually sit down and write it out. Let me tell you that it made a MASSIVE difference for me! It was SO grounding and peaceful, and invoked so much confidence in where I was a year ago vs where I am at now. I would highly suggest doing the same thing if you want to feel incredible. This is something that I am going to do every year from now on!
what worked in 2023
- I hired Natty Lewis as my emotional performance coach (like a like coach but she ROCKED MY WORLD). I’m obsessed with her and what she has done for all 4 quadrants of wellness in my life – physically, spiritually, socially and professionally. I did 12 weeks with her, then I loved it so much that I wanted to get certified in what she teaches so that I could teach my clients as well. If you don’t know, I am a coach for women with infertility. If you want to start at a more affordable price, this is where I would recommend starting. I promise if you apply the 7 pillars, your whole life will transform in every way you’ve wanted it to this coming year. If I could give you one gift, this would be it!
- I stopped people pleasing and asked myself what I actually want and how can I show up with the most authenticity in all areas of my life. I started communicating with more confidence and boldness, and became comfortable with the fact that not everyone is going to get it and feel comfortable with my decisions about what is best for me and my family. I also love the idea that if you aren’t with me 24/7 raising my kids and my family with me, up with my sick baby at 2 am with me (the only person who is doing this with me is Tyler), then you don’t get a say in how I parent my children, what time I put them to bed, and what activities I attend. There are a very limited number of people who I genuinely care about their opinion of me and I think we all need to live this way! This doesn’t mean we need to be rude at all; this just means that we get to be okay with making other people uncomfortable with decisions that they are letting effect them when in reality don’t have anything to do with them.
- I was very intentional about the friendships that I poured my time and energy into and had meaningful and growth-provoking conversations time and again. I’m so excited about the incredible people I get to call friends!
- I always put my family first and honored my role as a mother and wife while also taking care of my wellness.
- I stopped criticizing myself and the quirks I saw as flaws, like my need for order and organization, and instead used that energy and took action. I hired a professional organizing team to organize my entire house and now my brain doesn’t have to manage the mess. I can now use that energy to create!
- I was diligent in getting healthy again after having Warner and (birth story here) and detoxing of the mold, fungus and parasites found in my body from Provo Health.
- I hired a personal assistant to help with managing the house and my personal life, chores and errands so I could be present where I wanted to with my family and my business.
my goals for 2024
There are 3 pillars of a strong vision: it needs to be personal (we can’t make a vision based on the behavior of other people so we can only focus on what we can control), it needs to be present (“I am” instead of “I am going to”), and positive (we are claiming what we want instead of what we don’t want).
- I plan well and I am not rushed. I realistically fit what I can into a day and do what is on my calendar.
- I honor my morning and night time routines consistently. Bed time is between 10:15-11:15, phone is off and plugged in away from my bed at night, and workout clothes are laid out. In the morning, I put on my clothes, read my scriptures and pray and get my kids ready for school and Warner fed and dressed, then work out for 30 minutes and get ready.
- I rely on my team and delegate what I don’t need to be doing so I can focus on creating. I create and execute systems.
- I include God in my daily life with my family and business and always partner with him in all that I do.
- Tyler and I agreed that we are turning our phones on do not disturb from 6-8 pm every night so we can have uninterrupted focused time with our kids.
- I do a cold plunge 3 times every week. We got this cold plunge and these supplies to do it in our basement!
- I choose my attitude and how I feel regardless of circumstances and properly set any healthy boundaries needed.
- I make simple dinners without much effort every night using the recipes in my free catalog!
- I catch myself quickly if my thoughts turn to limiting thoughts based on old identities and switch back into intentional thinking based on who I am now.
- I plan a date for Harris and for Goldie separately each month so I can spend one on one time with them.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post on what worked for me in 2023 and my 2024 goals! If you are making your 2024 goals right now, I hope it helps. I think it’s so important to reflect back on how far you’ve come because it makes your future goals seem so realistic. You are strong!
autumn says
This is great thanks for sharing, wonderful to see you becoming more and more of who you are meant to be – yourself! Good luck, I will take these as I map out what I want more of in ’24.
Jenica Parcell says
You are so kind; thank you so much for your encouraging words! They mean a lot!
Anna B says
Hi, Jenica! Enjoyed hearing about what has worked for you in 2023 and love your realistic but meaningful goals for 2024. Being more intentional, keeping focus on God, and making real time for family is so important. So true, you are the one caring for your family and know what is best! We don’t need to worry about anything else!
Jenica Parcell says
Thank you for your kind message! I appreciate you being here!!
Emily says
I love the idea of monthly 1:1 dates with each child- I would love to do this with my kids too! Will you please share your date ideas when you come up with them? I struggle with finding things to do- we live in Indiana and it’s not really a hub of activity, ha!
Jenica Parcell says
Yes, absolutely! I will keep updating as we do our dates each month! 🙂