I have been drinking protein powder in the mornings for a few years now. Ever since I heard a doctor say that protein was really good for people’s brains, I have tried to increase my dose and man, can I tell you it works. I am SO MUCH SMARTER!
Now that we have established that, let me tell you that I bought some vanilla protein from Costco and didn’t love it. I love the chocolate version, but I kind of have to choke down the vanilla. I don’t want to waste it though so I’m planning to just keep gagging it down until it’s gone…want some?
My aversion to the vanilla protein powder led me on a hunt to find a better tasting and still just-as-good for you protein. I read reviews online which led me to Cellucor’s products and I must admit I was initially drawn to the cake batter flavor. I’ll go into more detail about that soon, though. This post is about the Strawberry Milkshake flavor and I don’t want that overbearing Cake Batter to try to steal the show. Anyway, I stumbled upon Strawberry Milkshake flavor while looking at Body Building’s Web site. They had a deal going on so I decided to try both.
Can I just say YUM! It tastes like I am drinking a strawberry milkshake and I didn’t even gag once while drinking it.
BodyBuilding.com seems to have different stacked deals on this product a lot so I found this to be the least expensive out of everywhere I looked. And can I just say that I paid for the standard 2-3 day shipping but it arrived on my doorstep the next day? That rocks. You go, BodyBuilding.com.
I’ll post my delicious protein shake recipe for this protein tomorrow!
And, for your viewing pleasure, here are some mirror selfies that I took after getting home from the gym. I will vow to never make fun of someone who posts a selfie again because it actually takes a lot of talent. I’m like, “Where do I look? What face should I do? That looks creepy! Just one more time and I’ll have it. Oh, let’s try it this way this time…” Meanwhile, 15 selfies later…I’ve got to be careful or this could get out of hand. My camera does not have enough memory to hold all these gems, and it’s really hard to pick just one
because they are all so good.
I’m writing this on the 18th which is my last day of being 26! My 27th birthday is the 19th. This could be my last sentence that I type as a 26-year-old. Or this one. It just seems so final that it’s hard to stop typing!
I’ll let you know if I feel significantly older and wiser tomorrow. 27 seems WAY older than 26 for some reason. And no, I’m not joking.
Stayed tuned for my Strawberry Protein Milkshake recipe tomorrow, and do yourself a favor and buy some of this stuff!

You are terrific! I'm so proud of you! G