Happy Wednesday to all! There are a lot of great skills to be had in this life. Singing, playing the piano, and sewing, among a few. I really wish I could do all three of these mentioned talents. There is one fault, and don’t worry, I have many more believe it or not ;), that is preventing me from learning to sew. It’s my lack of patience!!!
I think people who sew are so cool. My grandma is the seamstress of a lifetime. She has sewed and made beautiful Barbie clothes her whole life for a living. They are incredible little pieces of art. Maybe one I’ll be able to muster enough patience to take sewing class. A girl can dream.
For those of you who are there at that place of either wanting to learn or have great sewing skillz already, I have a great deal for you today! These Singer sewing machines are a killer deal. I compared the original vs. the sale price on each and you can click on each image to take you to that item.
If you design clothes, you might be interested in these dress forms too! $129.99, reg. $230.
Don’t forget to enter the $900 value Valentine’s Day Giveaway here, and the Sassy Steals giveaway for a Kitchen Aid, Polaroid Cameras and Beats headphones here!

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