I have been asked by several sweet women, in heartfelt emails, how I was able to keep going with hope when procedure after procedure failed through my infertility struggle. When the goal that you are trying to achieve is a good, worthy goal, it is discouraging to keep going month after month when failure seems to come after each hopeful effort. So, I’ve thought about the answer to that question many times. What was it that kept me going? How was I eventually able to find happiness in my trial? The answer is Jesus Christ. I want to share because I think that everyone deserves to have hope and be filled with love. When you are in the pits of despair, I want you to know how to find comfort too. I want you to feel loved because you deserve to feel loved; you deserve to feel peace.
With Easter coming up in a few weeks, I wanted to share with you the reason for my hope. I believe in Jesus Christ and His atonement. He died on the cross for each one of us because our Heavenly Father knew that we would make mistakes. He knew that we would need more than just justice, He knew that we would need mercy too because we aren’t perfect. Jesus Christ felt every sorrow, every heartache, so when we are going through trials that seem unbearable at times, we know that someone else felt our pain and understands. We know we don’t have to do it alone. He carries the weight when it becomes too heavy. He was risen and He lives today to help take away our sorrows and our pain.
When I felt low, I would try to remember to pray to my Heavenly Father for peace and it would give me hope because I would feel His love for me. He gave His son to show His love for all of us. He would also put people, so many people, into my life when I needed them most.
I’m not sure why, but I also feel impressed to share that we believe that when babies are young, they don’t have a need for baptism until they are at the age accountability. Little babies don’t understand right and wrong when they are little, so in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe that children can decide to be baptized at the age of 8 which is when we believe they are mature enough to make that decision and they are accountable. If you’ve lost a baby before they were baptized, they were welcomed lovingly into heaven. I’m not sure who needed to hear that, but I hope that was comforting to you.
Click here to watch a video on what I believe. I hope it provides you with the same comfort, hope and happiness that I have had in my life while going through the big challenge of infertility, and my other challenges as well. Life is hard, but there is always light to be found. Thanks for reading and thank you for supporting me. It really means more than you know and I have absolutely loved connecting with so many of you!
Dear jenica. I just lost a two month pregnancy. Your words are music to my sad soul. God bless you and your growing family. Big love from Colombia, ur instagram follower cpiedrahita19
Thank you so much for sharing, and I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm praying for peace for you and your dear family! xo
I love this and am so encouraged by you! Thank you for posting and being so transparent in your journey! I look forward to hearing more updates!! ?
Thank you so much, Emily!! xo
I love your blog and your story!! Just to clarify..Catholics believe in infant baptism ,but also believe that unborn babies ,infants and children are welcomed into His Kingdom even if unbaprized.
Thank you for sharing your faith with me! I always love to hear about other religions. Thank you! xo
You're so welcome. Me too! Love your blog and I'm praying for you and the babies !
Thank You for such encouraging words! As i read it i couldn't help but get teary eye you just know exactly what to say. You are an amazing women i'm sure you will be extra amazing mother to that lil'girl & lil'boy. (I remain positive silver & gold is a Girl & a Boy).
– Mommy of 2 from Houston,Tx
Thank you so much, you are so kind. I really appreciate that! I think it's a boy and a girl too 🙂 We'll find out to next week! xo