This has been one of my favorite quotes since the second I heard it. This quote helps me to be more patient with those that I am around because you never know what people are going through. Most people have a reason they act the way they do. When someone is rude to me, I try to be more sympathetic instead of getting offended immediately because maybe they are struggling with something that I don’t know about. And sometimes I just get offended because I’m not perfect 🙂
Make it a great Tuesday!
In other news, after a delicious dinner of chicken taco soup (recipe coming soon!) with my friend Naomi last night, we took a little walk to visit one of our other favorite neighbors, Kevin. While slightly concerned that he could sense I had bacon in my omelet last week, I felt relatively safe on the other side of the fence.
What is your favorite quote? I’d love to hear it!

We love Kevin!! So cute!
I love this outfit! So glad I came across your blog!