My dear cousin Amanda tipped me off to this sale today and it’s a BIG ONE! Thanks, Amanda, you’re the bomb. Even though you let me eat an entire bag of Marshmallow Matey’s our freshman year in college (over a week or so…) so I couldn’t touch them for a few years. This totally makes up for it.
GAP is having a HUGE sale for kids and baby and it ends today! The best part? They are also offering an extra 20% off the prices listed using code EXTRA. Items that almost never go on sale are included. Yippee! See all sale styles here. Oh, and it also includes maternity. #winwin #oneforyouoneforme
So stock up. Baby showers, stuff for your own kids. It’s all okay.
All I’m trying to say is that if I had a baby, he or she would totally be rocking this sherpa bear footed one-piece for $21.60 instead of $34.95.

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