To my beautiful child,
Honestly. WOW. The nausea experienced this week due to the medications I’m taking for IVF (our frozen embryo transfer) is INSANE. Like wow. I’ve been struggling this week, and it has me thinking how all women are literal and actual angels. The fact that we put ourselves through so much suffering to bring children into the world is pretty special. Go team!
I’ve had a couple appointments this week to check my uterine lining and it’s been progressing well and is as thick as it should be. I also went into the office on Monday and had Neupogen put into my uterus. You can read about the IVF cycle that worked last time and everything we did back then which included Neupogen. I had a few good days last week where my nausea subsided a bit but then I started taking progesterone in oil on Sunday and it all went downhill again. I started to take Diclegis which is what I took my entire pregnancy with the twins and it made me so drowsy that I felt like I was on NyQuil for 24 hours, and that was not an option either. Danica, my IVF coordinator, called in Zofran yesterday and that has helped a lot. I’m reminding myself about every 15 minutes that this will not last forever. Hallelujah!!!
If you are eventually in our family and you are reading this one day, come over to me right now and give me a foot massage. That is literally the very least you can do. You could also bring me my favorite gummy candy. Or both. Love ya!
Valentine’s Day was on Monday and your dad brought home some bath bombs and told me to take a bath while he put Harris and Goldie to bed. He knows the key to my heart. The whole family was there with me on Monday morning to cheer me on while I was giving myself the shot. Your dad points to where I should do it to avoid a vein because whenever I do it myself, I always hit one and it goes right through it so I bleed more. Fun times 😉 Harris and Goldie were adorable. Goldie was telling me that I am beautiful, strong and “fierce.” She said, “You ready, mom?!” Oh those sweet little angels!!! Harris told me that he didn’t even want to watch which is why he was casually standing behind Tyler. They love their mama and they are so sweet. I love that I get an opportunity to show them how I can show up really bravely in my life in this way.
I have a chiropracter appointment tomorrow and also an acupuncture appointment. I’m pulling out all the stops on this one. Our embryo transfer is on Friday! We have a healthy boy embryo and a healthy girl embryo and we could not decide and feel good about choosing one over the other so we are letting the clinic choose and not tell us! That feels the most peaceful to both your dad and I. I even texted Shaun, the embryologist (I interviewed him on my podcast here which was SO fascinating!!), and he said they are both about the same and there isn’t one that would be preferential over the other. If there was, we would choose that one, but there’s not, so we will be surprised! If we find out we are pregnant, we will plan a gender reveal! That will be a nice, normal and exciting part about this experience.
PS – If anyone who is reading this needs some help with their mindset, I highly recommend this!
You can see the nausea in my eyes. I see this picture and have so much love for this girl who is showing up even though it sucks.
Best Valentine’s Day ever ha ha ha ha
My literal favorite socks on the planet that you can only get by leaving a podcast review on Apple podcasts!! Listen in each week to see if you won…I choose one podcast review each week. You also help more women come into our space. Women that feel alone and don’t know they have a family here! That’s why it’s important to me. Help them here!
Love this stuff to stay hydrated. It tastes amazing!! Code JenicaP10 gets you 10% off here!
Going out one night with some friends last week before the second wave of nausea took me out 😉
If you are also doing IVF, infertility treatments, or just want to be comfortable, here are some items that just came today that I can’t wait to wear. I ordered all shirts in XL and I’m going to wear with these leggings that I love.
Large shirts, comfy leggings and this hat have been my saving grace this week!
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