Hi, friends! So…I gained 80 pounds when I was pregnant with the twins. I lost 50 of it within 2 weeks after giving birth because 1) they were no longer inside of my belly, and 2) the major water retention from my preeclampsia finally started leaving my body. That meant I still had 30 to go. I love to lose weight. It’s a lot of fun, isn’t it? 😉
Something you need to know about me is that I am a HUGE sugar lover. Like, I’m addicted to whole new level. I literally love walking into candy stores and just walking around because it makes me happy. The bright colors, the sweet smells and of course the taste of all that sugar. What can I say? I love it. I need it. I want it. You get the point.
Something you already know is that you can’t eat a lot of sugar and you need to cut down calories in order to lose weight. This is a hard thing to do for a sugar addict like myself! I needed some help. When I was approached to try Advantraslim, I was super cautious. The only way to lose weight is to cut down calories and exercise. There aren’t any shortcuts or easy ways to do it. It’s hard and it kind of sucks ha ha. Okay, it totally sucks. BUT the more I learned about Advantraslim, the more I thought this was something I could use as a tool to help me cut down my calories. It’s natural and it’s safe and the owner of the company has the exact same views about losing weight as I do. I even talked with him on the phone about to make sure 🙂
So, here’s how it works. The real function of Advantraslim is to support an individual with taking back the control with respect to limiting calories. It is not meant to be a weight loss product. Advantraslim’s main active ingredient is slendesta which is a potato protein that suppresses the appetite for 3-4 hours to limit snacking between meals. Most hardcore weight loss products fill you up with fiber making you feel bloated and a little sick in addition to adding in all kinds of stimulants to make your heart go faster to “burn” more calories. That is not their aim. Advantraslim helps limit calories by satiating your appetite, not filling you up with fiber. THIS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE TO ME!
And guess what?! It works. For about 3 hours after I take it, I don’t feel so snacky. I don’t want to munch all of the chips in pantry with a side of a Snickers bar. No, ma’am.
Want to know something else that I’m excited about? They just came out with a new version that doesn’t have caffeine. The original version does, which is great if you need an energy boost in the morning. My main craving times are in the afternoon, however, so this new caffeine-free version is perfect for the afternoon! In fact, I just took it on Thursday night before I went to a party. I knew they would have lots of good food there, and I wasn’t tempted. I really wasn’t. And as a sugar addict, this is big deal! Everyone was eating these delicious ice cream bars and I was like, “I’ll just be sippin’ my water over here, chillin’.” That was me. But as soon as the 4 hours was over, I wanted to eat sugar again when I got home. That’s how I knew it was working!!
Oh, and it’s delicious! They taste so good. Yum!
Use code jenica50 to get 50% off all Advantraslim, whether you want the caffeine-free version here, or the original version with caffeine here. You can also buy flavor variety packs here. My favorite original flavor is the strawberry pineapple, and right now they only have the one option to buy the caffeine-free which is the flavor variety pack and I literally love all three flavors.
Oh, and I highly recommend their blueberry protein. It’s delicious and sweetened with stevia instead of artificial sweeteners like most other protein.
I hope you guys try it and love it as much as I do! Let me know what you think. Let’s get fit together, sister.
Did you take this while breastfeeding?
I just started taking it in the last 2 months and haven’t been breastfeeding but it’s all natural and safe. I would go with the caffeine-free, however, and make sure to still get enough calories 🙂
Do you happen to know if this is okay to take while still pumping? I work out, but since having the baby my sugar tooth has been of the charts and I think this could be a great solution.
Yes, the caffeine-free kind is okay and totally natural, but of course make sure you’re still getting enough calories 🙂 I love sugar so much too, sis!!
Do you know if this is safe to use while trying to conceive?
It is all natural but I would definitely recommend the caffeine-free version 🙂