Dress (wearing an XS) | Similar sandals on sale here and here | Similar sunglasses here (only $9.99) | Similar jacket here
To my Harris and Goldie,
We had so much fun in Canada with you. We went on a 7-mile hike by accident on one of the days (we thought it was 4) and I was completely shocked and amazed at how well you both did. You had to miss your nap and it started raining on us so you were cold. Harris literally didn’t complain the entire time, and was happy and content on dad’s back. Goldie complained a tiny bit but I’m surprised it wasn’t more. I get it, sister!
As I said on Instagram the other day, I know that I say this a lot, but I REALLY don’t think I’ll ever get over how lucky we are that you are in our family. We love adventuring with you and showing you how beautiful the world can be. Or maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe it’s better said like this; we love how you show us how beautiful it is all over again.
As we were at dinner last night at my Uncle Bruce’s house, we were talking with my aunt and just delighting over how the simple things make you smile most and how easy it is to make whole world light up. Smile at you funny, making a silly noise, tipping you upside down…they all bring such sweet laughter and joy to your little bodies. I think we can really learn a lot from you. It’s so easy to get caught up in the sparkly things of this world, but I really am always most happy when I enjoying the simple things that money can’t buy. A light breeze on my skin when it’s the perfect temperature. A bike ride because my body is healthy and I can. The pretty Utah pines as we drive up the canyon.
I think being a mama is a gift for many reasons, but one of the best for me has been to remember to simplify. You have made the world so pretty for me. Life is happy when it’s simple. I think we all have what it takes to be truly joyful each day. You don’t find the happy life; you create it.
In the past month, you have learned to crawl my Goldie girl. You saw your brother do it and it would frustrate you to see him go so fast and far without you! Your little tiny legs moving slowly, one after the other, has been so cute to watch. You are getting more sassy by the day, especially the last couple of days since we have been home from Canada. I’m not sure if you’re missing our adventures, or if you’re mad that we made you sit in your car seat for 12 hours straight. I mean, you did great on the way home so your complaining is a little delayed, sis!
Harris – your blonde hair with the curls and your big, blue eyes absolutley have your mother wrapped around your finger. I mean, come on. I know I’m biased because I’m your mama, but you are so incredibly delicious I can hardly handle it. Those chubby legs and those high-pitched little squeals that you make when you are excited kill me. Kill me!
I love you two. Thanks for being your mama and daddy’s joy.
Carly says
I love this <3
Jenica Parcell says
Thank you, friend! xo