To my beautiful Harris and Goldie,
I’m sitting here on the eve of your first birthday totally and completely in awe of how fast this precious year has gone. This exact time last year I was laying in a hospital bed in labor all night, waiting for your arrival the next day. I didn’t know who you were going to be, but I knew I was going to love you with my whole heart. I love you with you with my whole heart and my whole life. You have made our world magical. You have brought more joy and happiness than I even knew was possible. You have grown into the most fun and joyful babies; constantly smiling, laughing and making our hearts grow each day.
As I was feeding you two tonight, I smiled as you both yelled at me to get the food faster. I love that you fill our home with noise. After you were both full, you started laughing. You would look at each other and at me and giggle. When I brought Harris up to bath time, he almost leapt out of my arms when he saw the bath tub. You are getting so active and you make us smile.
I love your low laugh, Harris. I love that you smile and give the daintiest waive to people, Goldie. I love that you are my buddies and my sidekicks and we made it through this year together with joy. There isn’t a moment that I regret or one that I wouldn’t love to live over again because I cherished each day with you. The gift that infertility gave me was to really, truly savor each moment with you. Those tiny baby moments were so fleeting. I can’t even picture you so small any more, you turned from my tiny 4 pound babies to thriving, big babies that crawl and say “mama” in the twinkling of an eye.
I love that we went for walks around the grocery store in the winter when we needed to get out of the house. I love that we went to look at the farm animal next door. I love that we went on walks on the trail near our house. I love that your eyes lit up when you saw the garbage truck, Harris, and the Instant Pot lights turn on, Goldie. You have breathed new life into me. I feel so grateful to get to experience life again with you; the firsts and the adventures and the discoveries.
Finding the magic in simple moments is where the happiness in our lives comes from. You can’t buy this kind of joy in a store.
This year has been the best year of my life. You have brought your dad and I more joy than I can convey in words. Thank you for loving us and lighting up our world.
On your first birthday, your dad and I love you. Today, and always.
Photos taken by Caitlin Nicole Photography
What a beautiful post Jenica! Bought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing.
I’m 21w with twins on board and love reading your posts. Congratulations on being such a wonderful mama x
Congratulations!! I am SO happy for you! Twin pregnancies are hard but oh, the joy will be worth it mama!
This is beautiful. #motheroftheyear
You are so kind, Ellen! Thank you so much 🙂
This is sooo beautifully written! Those simple moments really are magical. My preemie baby just turned one a few days ago too. I love following your journey and looking at Harris & Goldie’s pictures. They’re so precious and always make me smile. Happy Birthday! 🙂 xx
Thank you so much Angela, and happy birthday to your sweet baby too!! Oh, the joy!! Did you even know you could love so much? Have a great day!
Happy belated birthday Harris n Goldie
I call u miracle babies…i share ur testimony has if I have met u before,God bless u both
Thank you so much!! You are so kind. They are miracles!
Beautiful post, brought tears to my eyes! Especially the last photo. Very precious. X
What a beautiful letter to your babies. I have followed you all year long as I am both a twin and a mother to be. I am three weeks away from my due date, and yesterday my husband and I found out our daughter, Nia, is in the breech position. Tonight at 5:30 the doctor’s are going to do a procedure called a version to try and turn her. There are some risks, but they assure me if anything happens, they will do an emergency c-section. I am nervous, but praying that it goes smoothly and will work. I have been waiting so long to meet our sweet, baby girl. I just hope this is the right thing. My doctor thinks it is worth trying. Prayers are much appreciated.
I will be praying for you and the safe arrival of your precious girl. Thank you for sharing with me so I can send up prayers for you. So much love to you!