Plaid shirt: Nordstrom (on sale for $26.98! True to size. I’m wearing a small) | Jeans: Topshop (on sale for $45! I’m wearing size 28×32, and I’m normally a clothing size 4 for reference) | Boots: UGG Classic Cuff Mini (on SALE FOR $109.99, reg. $160!!!)
I’m the queen of casual wear (self proclaimed, how nice of me) because I don’t want to ruin fancy clothes since I’m also the queen of spilled mac and cheese on my clothes, too. I always turn to clothes that I can move in, play in, get on the floor with my babies in, crawl in as I chase them, kneel in, and do 17 black flips in. Okay, that last one was a stretch. But I have to be able to move in them and still look gooooood, girl. This plaid shirt is soft and movable, and on sale for only $26.98! I also really like these plaid shirts, too that are on sale for $29.40 and come in lots of colors.
I have loved Topshop jeans since I got my first black pair last year (I love the ripped knees!), so I was excited when I saw these ones on sale. I ordered a size 28 x 32 (I’m normally a size 4 or 27 in jeans) and they fit perfectly. They are movable and comfortable without losing their shape. I love that the rise is just under your belly button which makes them comfortable. I can’t stand it when jeans come up past my belly button so these are winners to this mama.
And these UGGS, you guys!! They are on sale for $109.99, reg. $160 and I CANNOT stop wearing them. I love that they just slide right on as I’m headed out the door. I mostly wear them without socks because I feel like my feet deserve a warm cozy hug every now and then. These UGGS are more slim-looking than a lot of them right now as well which is nice so my size 9.5 feet don’t like they are size 9.5 feet. Or maybe they do, just not any bigger than that. And if they do, don’t you dare say anything. Let me live in blissful peace, okay?
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