This post is brought to you by Isotoner and Amazon Fashion, brands that I love and use every day!
Slippers: Isotoner | Jeans: Rag & Bone, similar here | Earrings: kate spade new york
I have made a HUGE habit change lately and it is literally changing my life for the better, one hour at a time. Here’s the story:
I was feeling really run down and exhausted all of the time. I thought, “I don’t have time to have a clean house!” I was completely wiped out when the twins went to bed at 8 pm and I didn’t think I had enough energy for pretty much anything. The problem with this mentality was that I was just letting it all go. I wasn’t putting my dishes in the dishwasher every time I had a meal, I was leaving the laundry piling up in the laundry room unfolded, and I was stepping on toys left and right and getting annoyed that I couldn’t find anything! My mom came over one day to hang out and told me that she knew someone with 7 kids that always seemed calm and her house was always clean. My mom asked her how she did it. I mean…did you read that she had 7 kids?!! Her answer was that she always made sure her house was clean before she went to bed. My mom told me that she implemented this habit in her own life, and that it literally changed her life. She would wake up in the morning to a clean house and would feel a sense of peace in starting her day. When someone tells me that something changed their life, my ears perk up and I pay attention. That’s serious!
I was doubtful that I could do it but I decided to give it a go. When Tyler got home from work that night, I told him my new plan and he was on board. My exact words after I explained what I wanted to do were, “I can’t live like this any more.” It may sound dramatic but I cannot stand chaos and clutter and my house was becoming just that! I felt chaotic and cluttered mentally as well. I couldn’t find anything that I needed! The twins went to bed that night and we made sure to wash all of the dishes, pick up all of the toys and put everything in it’s place. The kitchen was sparkling and I woke up the next morning feeling peace. What a change!
Since that day, I have been able to keep the house clean throughout the day with baby steps. Before I leave my bedroom in the morning, I’ll make my bed. Instead of putting the dishes in the sink, I’ll rinse them and put them in the dishwasher right away. When the babies take a nap, I’ll take 15 minutes to tidy up everything that they undid. I’m not kidding when I say that this habit has changed my LIFE. I feel so much more peaceful and instead of thinking that I don’t have time to tidy up during the day, I feel that it gives me time back because I don’t waste time looking for things that I can’t find and feeling frustrated.
You guys know that I love being comfortable, and that I broke my toe recently. I like to wear slippers around my house for comfort and also so that I don’t stub my toe while I’m shuffling around! Side note: I’ve literally re-broken it at least 4 times. I need to protect my feet!! These slippers from Isotoner are REALLY, really comfortable. I tried them on when I got them and said, “Tyler!! You have to try these on! Feel how comfortable they are!” I like to share the love. Some say I’m a giver. 😉
They are so incredibly affordable and run true to size so make sure to look at their size chart. I love that they have a hard sole, so if I need to run outside to take out the trash while I’m tidying up, I can just head straight out the door without changing my shoes. I also love that they have “SmartDri” technology which is a moisture wicking technology applied to the foot bed of the slippers. This wicks away moisture to eliminate sweaty feet so my feet stay comfortable and dry. I highly recommend grabbing a pair so that you can be comfortable while you’re being the queen of tidiness at your house, too. Please let me know how it goes!! I’m excited for you to feel more peace in your day, too.
I am going to buy these for my mom for Christmas! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Question do you have childcare and or a cleaning person that cleans your house? Honestly, I am always curious how you do it all with twins. Do you feel this is something good to invest in? I work from home with a 2 year old and am seriously thinking about getting consistent childcare a few times a week and a cleaning lady once a month. Would love to hear your thoughts! Xo
Yay, she will LOVE them!
I have a babysitter come for a couple hours each day while I work and get things done at home and I have a house cleaner come once per month to do deep cleaning. I also have an assistant to help with my blog. I couldn’t do it all without this help! 🙂
Thanks for your honest!
Of course! xo
Yeeeessss! My friends think I’m crazy! This is exactly what we do as well. Our twins are 2 1/2 and the last thing we need is a “crazy” house. It’s so easy to do once you do it all the time.
YES!! This has literally changed my LIFE! We feel so much more peaceful and now it’s a habit that I can’t NOT do. I love it!
I love this post. So I’m 37 and my kids arent super little anymore (I made it a goal to have all my kids by 30), but I started cleaning my house up at night before bed many years ago, and tidying up all through the day as well. And it really DOES make life smoother! I still have this habit and have for about 12 years now. It really is a game changer. We also load dishes directly into the dishwasher. Life is way better because of theed habits! Okay also, I stubbed my pinky toe about 3 weeks ago bad! It felt broken. Then I did it again about a week ago, same pinky toe! I cried so bad! What you wrote just struck me… I should be wearing a house shoe inside to protect them. Ugh
YES!! My life feels SO much more peaceful now!! I can’t believe what a difference it has made. I’m so glad you have found it, too!
Oh yes, you would absolutely love these ones. They are so inexpensive! I also haven’t re-broken my toe since wearing them which is a huge plus lol!!
You are a AMAZING mother and wife! My kids are now 18 & 17 and I have always felt better with a clutter free home. The only issue now is my 18 yr olds bedroom. Teens I tell ya……..
You are so kind, Stephanie! Thank you! Yeah. Those teenagers are a bit harder to persuade I hear ha ha
I am so excited to try this! I’ve been feeling exactly what you described lately and I know something needs to change. Thank you so much for sharing!
Please let me know how it goes. I’m not kidding…it has changed my entire LIFE! I’m so excited for you!
We do this every night too and it is life changing. My mornings were just so scrambled trying to clean up everything, even just the little stuff like crumbs on the counter. I have two little ones and it makes all of the difference in a smooth start to your day!
YES!! I want to shout this from the rooftops because I can’t believe what a HUGE difference this has made for me!!