This post has a large load of pictures because I couldn’t possibly decide on which ones to use!! These kids kill me. Harris’ sweet curls and high-pitched squeals, and Goldie’s little side-eyed sneaky smiles and deep laugh are some of my favorite things. I love their zest for life and I love how excited they get for different parts of our daily schedule! I think there is so much to learn from babies, and one is that they are completely in the moment. They don’t have the capacity to look back and regret, or look forward to the future with anxiety. They are 100% and fully in the moment and they don’t hold back their emotions! This can be a little dramatic at times, but I LOVE when they fully express their excitement. I would be a millionaire if I could sell the squeals I get to hear when I tell them it’s bath time. It’s pure joy captured in a sound.
Our daily schedule makes our life easier and less stressful. I mindfully plan a few activities each day so we can all be present (I’m mostly talking to myself because they are very good at being present) and enjoy our lives and slow down. With our endless to-do lists, it’s important to enjoy simple moments.
Since the moment I found out I was having twins, I knew our daily schedule would be very, very important for my sanity and our overall happiness. The babies thrive so well on our daily schedule, and they get excited for various parts of our day. Here are our favorites!
- Bath time. Literally since they were teeny tiny and not even able to crawl yet, they would squeal with delight and laugh when they would hear the bath water running! We used to bathe them every single night because it was something they loved so much. We have since switched to every other morning or night (depending on our schedule for the day). As soon as I say, “Okay, babies, let’s go have a bath!” they instantly get happy if they were upset, and walk over to the gate so we can all go upstairs. We recently tried the Ivory Free & Gentle Body Wash with Pear & Sandalwood for the first time. It smells amazing and includes the #1 Dermatologist-Recommended moisturizing ingredient! I use it on myself in the shower (first time loofah purchase, here!) and use it on the babies in their baths. They smell like heaven when they get out. You you can click here to see all of their products. Other Ivory products we enjoy using are the Ivory Original Body Wash and Ivory Original 3-bar. Both are free of dyes and heavy perfumes.
- Reading books. I grew up with a love for books, and still love to read before bed every night. It’s always been one of my favorite parts of my day because I can relax and escape from my daily stresses. I started reading to the babies when they were just tiny, and I mean really tiny, like a couple months old. I would hold the books with lots of bright pictures in front of them as they were laying on my bed, and they would calm down and love looking at them! I’m still surprised with how much they enjoyed them from such a young age. We have a book basket now, and the babies will get a book and hand it to me to read to them. I will ask them where certain things are at (“Where’s the ball? Where’s the bird?”) and they will get really excited as they point them out to me.
- Getting dressed for the day. This sounds simple, but I love the routine of finishing breakfast and picking out the babies clothes, then doing their hair. I love that they are old enough to help me carry their clothes and sit still, and help me with the routine for a fresh start to the day. I love that they are my precious buddies!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Ivory. The opinions and text are all mine.
Oh my goodness, they are so stinkin adorable and your dress is gorgeous. I love everything about these sweet pictures. Goldies little swimsuit is so adorable and man she has got serious spunk. Love her little expressions….. ugh cuteness overload for sure!!!
Ha ha thank you so much!! You are so sweet!! 🙂